The Quarter Episode 20: Is It Real to You?
It's our 20th episode! Today Rob and Ben ask, "When you set out to achieve a goal, is it real to you?" If you feel deep down that what...
The Quarter Episode 19: Motion
You have to stay in motion. In episode 19 of The Quarter Show, Rob and Ben cover staying in motion, and how resting on your laurels or...
The Quarter Episode 18: Solve the Whole Problem
In episode 18 of #thequarter, Rob and Ben discuss one of the unfortunate truths of business: most companies aren't solving the whole...
The Quarter Episode 17: Using Negativity as Fuel
In episode 17 of #thequarter, Rob and Ben discuss using negativity as fuel to do better. When something happens that's not ideal, you...
The Quarter Episode 15: Games & Communication
In episode 15 of #thequarter, Rob and Ben show off their brand new "The Quarter" mugs while discussing "gamification" and the importance...
The Quarter Episode 14: Correcting a Tough Month
Every business has tough months, but blaming it on outside sources that you have no control over achieves nothing. In episode 14 of...
The Quarter Episode 13: Assume 100%
When you say, "we only close ___% of deals," what purpose does it serve, other than to make you feel better? In episode 13, Robert and...
The Quarter Episode 11: Don't Sell, Evangelize
In episode 11 of #thequarter, Robert and Ben discuss how "selling" can never hold a candle to being utterly sold on your company and...
The Quarter Episode 10: The Sales Binge
In episode 10 of #thequarter, Rob and Ben share a successful piece of Richter's culture: the sales binge. If you implement this strategy,...
The Quarter Episode 9: Inception (How to Never Have a Sales Drought)
In episode 9 of #thequarter, Rob and Ben discuss performing inception on your clients, and how actively consulting to help is the only...